Blog Assignment 1: Who Am I?

Blog Assignment 1: write 250-words answering the question “Who am I.” This is a free-write assignment. You do not need to connect any course readings or course materials to your post.






61 responses to “Blog Assignment 1: Who Am I?”

  1. franciscoambrosiofigueroathe3rd Avatar

    I feel as though I have been a million different “I’s”. Who I am now is not the same “I” from a decade ago. Why is it so difficult to outline myself? I guess I will start with my name. My name is Francisco Ambrosio Figueroa III. I am 36 years old and have two brothers and a sister. I was born in Oxnard California, but I grew up in Camarillo. I went to a K-8 school called Los Primeros and I met my best friends Ryan, JC, and Robert there. I went to Rio Mesa High School. I fell in love three times there. After high school I got seriously lost in the big wide world. I don’t remember a whole lot. I went to three, no four community colleges. I never really cared about anything. For a long time I thought I cared about surfing and the beach, but I eventually walked away from that. Not surprising. There was a time in there where I tried to be good person. I got engaged, moved in with a smart, beautiful, and courageous woman I met working at St. Johns. Yet, I was young and selfish. I suppose not a lot has changed with me! Wait, am I even addressing the question? Who am I? I am not sure I know. I can define myself by my occupation. I am a medical sociologist. I am married. She is the most interesting and confident person I have ever met! I don’t think she would struggle with this question like I am now. The truth is, I am constantly changing who I am. I am so different across situations. One minute I am a professor of sociology, the next I’m just another person standing in line waiting to order and buy a hot dog.


    1. jmc02 Avatar

      I really enjoyed reading your post. I feel the same way about how we are changing all the time and it’s difficult to pinpoint “who we are”. I think it is a bit eye opening to see you as a person rather than just a professor like you said, that might sound bad but oftentimes that is all we see. Thanks for sharing your story.


    2. franciscoambrosiofigueroathe3rd Avatar

      Feel free to reply to this as part of your 50-word response requirement.


    3. lifeisbeautiful1619 Avatar

      I related to you when you said that you’re always changing. I believe that is so important because it allows you to grow and learn more about yourself. We are not meant to be perfect cookie-cutter people and allowing yourself to be open to change is key to finding yourself. One thing I always tell myself is that people must learn to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations because you never know if can be your next calling.


    4. sky0506 Avatar

      I really enjoyed reading your blog post! It is very raw and accurate, because like you stated it is very difficult to define who you are because we change so much as we grow up. I believe it almost Impossible to sum up who we are in just a couple of sentences because we grow through so many experiences that keep teaching us lessons on how to become better people. We can either learn from them or stay stuck in certain positions.


  2. jmc Avatar

    This is a funny question. I’m not even sure how I would answer this. I try to grow as a person constantly so the concept of myself often changes. My name is Jackie, I am 20 years old and I am a junior at Dominican and a double major in soc and crim. I am a person who cares too much, worries too much. I stress myself out all the time. However, I can also be careless and nonchalant, if I am being honest it just depends on the day I am having. How can I have such opposing characteristics? Truly I wonder. I am hardworking, and almost never have time for myself, which can often overwhelm me. While I know all of what I am doing will be worth it in the end, It still often messes with my head. I enjoy the times where I can clear my mind and get lost in a song while I’m on a drive, it truly gives me inner peace. I am the person that will spend hours looking for a movie to watch and then just end up watching a movie I have seen 20 times. I am the person that will invite you out on a spontaneous drive to get some food after a long day at work. I am the person who will listen and observe, the person people always go for advice.I am the person that says ”they give me bad vibes” and I am always right. I trust my instincts and my gut feeling. Who Am I is a difficult question. Sometimes I am quiet, respectful and observant and other times I am careless, loud and outspoken. It really just depends.


    1. dominicanstar Avatar

      Hello Jackie! I enjoyed reading about your interpretation of who you are. I strongly relate to your heightened emotions of stress and worry, but somehow still very nonchalant. I also often become overwhelmed with such emotions. I noticed that we both enjoy doing very similar activities to spend our time! I agree that some of these activities such as getting lost in music on a drive do help to regulate or at least push aside the overwhelming sense of emotions. I hope one day we both find ways to cope and regulate these feelings and find more effective ways to incorporate them into our lives.


  3. love2dance Avatar

    My name is Adele. I am a freshman majoring in sociology, and I think I might add a minor in women and gender studies or criminology, but who knows. I’m 18 and have grown up in Chicago my whole life, I live in the Dunning area. I work as a dance teacher right by where I live and it’s my dream job, I’ve been dancing for 17 years so far. I also occasionally babysit and was a summer camp counselor, so I guess you could say I like working with kids. I’m a dancer but hope that I can incorporate sociology into that so I can have a career in both. I don’t know what I’ll do with my sociology degree, despite the fact that I get asked that question twice a week (thanks mom). If I’m not working or in school, I’m probably crocheting, which is a hobby that I started in 2022. I didn’t like high school that much so I’m glad to finally be an adult, have some independence, and learn something other than pre-calculus and how to conjugate Spanish verbs. I thought I would be going to community college but I ended up here, which is still crazy to me, but I’m hoping to graduate early. I like cats, music, and coffee, my favorite color is purple, and I really like tattoos. I also like to read books, I just finished reading New Moon. Analyzing myself makes me question who I actually am, but I think I said all the major points. I’m really excited to take this course!


    1. Karina Avatar

      Hey Adele!! My name is Karina, nice to get to know a little bit of you! I can definitely relate where you mention wanting to be unstoppable with your degree! However, I have learned “why wait”? Lets be unstoppable now 🙂 I am also one to give the same energy and attitude towards other people which can result to me “having an attitude problem” Looking forward to learning more about you 🙂


    2. AC Avatar

      Hey Adele,
      I really enjoyed reading your post. The way that you’ve spent years dancing and coaching dance, I’ve done the same with volleyball. I really relate to loving a sport so much you can’t really stop haha. In terms of your major, I highly highly recommend the Sociology- Criminology double major here. I have had such a great experience with the program and have genuinely learned so much. Good luck with the rest of your Dominican career!


  4. flowers222lolz Avatar

    When people ask me “who am I”, I often tell them to give me a moment to think what to say. In other words I never truly knew what to say when people ask me. How I would like to say who I am is a sophomore who is majoring in criminology and sociology. I am currently 19 years old and happy to see 20 soon. I am very funny and hardworking as well. I am a dreamer that thinks about the things I can accomplish in the future. I can’t wait to work with my degree and become unstoppable with the plans I have in mind. I am currently working in a very boring job where people constantly disrespect you and you kind of have to put on a tough layer of skin to get over it. I am constantly looking for other jobs but can never find anything that I like, since I’m so picky with it because of my prior experiences. I also do have a younger brother who is about to finish high school and is getting closer and closer to pick what college he wants to go to. I feel like I am doing everything in my power to help him choose and see what’s right for him as well. Overall, I think that I am just a very hardworking but also caring person for anyone who shows me the same attitude back. I think that having three qualities make me who I am today.


    1. Jars Avatar

      I definitely have that similar feeling of not knowing what exactly to say when someone asks questions about who I am. It’s a deep hole if you really dive into it. I’m happy that you’re excited about your future and career because that definitely is apart of who we are. I’m the same way with people in regards to you get what you give. If you match the same energy as me I’ll love you. Nice meeting you!


  5. Karina Avatar

    My name is Karina. I am a sophomore majoring in Sociology and minoring in Psychology, I am studying to become a Social Worker. When people ask me who I am, I am never sure how to approach this question. I do not know if I should explain the lifestyle of a single-parent household, the athlete part of me, being a first generation college student, or being blessed to see my twentieth birthday due to cardiac conditions? Should I go on and on telling stories about my life that have made me the woman I am today? Or should I shrug it off and just reply with the usual, “My name is Karina”. But I will give you random, yet interesting (i hope) facts about myself.. I am twenty years old with an older and younger brother and younger sister. I have been playing sports since I was in fifth grade and dancing since I was three. I have always loved school but I recently have grown to be fond of social lives. I have always ha da hard time balancing “Karina the student” and “just Karina”. The number of friends I have can fit into a single rollercoaster cart. I have never been interested in party scenes but I think as I am getting older I am figuring out safe situations that also fill my adrenalin satisfaction. I am a dog lover, or pet lover I should say. I am an empath, super intuitive. I do not have or correlate with any specific religion but I am spiritual. I am not sure where esle to go with this so I will leave it here. I know we are limited with ascyhronous classes but I hope to meet and get to know you all one day! Thanks for reading 🙂


    1. love2dance Avatar

      Hi Karina! You sound very interesting, I also love dancing! We also are similar in that I’m not religious but spiritual as well. It’s so cool that you are studying to be a social worker! Every time I tell someone I’m a sociology major I had every person ask me if I’m going to be a social worker, which I’m not, but I think that’s really cool that you will be. I laughed at the rollercoaster joke, I’m the same way but learning to find comfort in being alone and not always being surrounded by people. It’s definitely hard at times but it’s very rewarding!


    2. flowers222lolz Avatar

      Hi Karina, I would also like to 100% agree with you. I believe that we may not be the same but I admire the way you put your words this way. I am on a complete understanding level of your situations when I look at my life. I also never know what to say about myself when responding to others, i don’t know if i should explain my life and/or who i am.


    3. Bugzzbunny02 Avatar

      Hi Karina,
      It’s nice to meet you and I love the approach you took to answering the question. I noticed how before answering the question you mention how there are multiple ways to answer it and that’s one of the reasons why I mention in my response that “who am I” isn’t really a question that can be answered and you proved why perfectly. When asked a question like that there are endless ways to answer just like there are endless variations and phases of who we are as people and individuals and I think your response is a powerful testament to that. Who we are can be everything and nothing at the same time, it could be our aspiration, or it could be who we are as a person superficially, but the raw and unaltered versions of ourselves are somewhat completely unknown because even we don’t know who we are sometimes. Overall, I think you have a great response and I definitely loved reading about you and your perspective on the question!


  6. LifeIsBeautiful Avatar

    My name is Catherine but everyone who knows me well calls me Cat. I am a senior majoring in Marketing and am very excited to be graduating this upcoming May. I am 21 years old and the youngest of two other siblings. My siblings are huge role models to me, and I’ve seen them as my second parents for as long as I can remember. I was raised in an Italian household, so family means a whole lot to me. Most of the time if you ask me what I’m doing the response will likely be that I’m hanging out with my family. I enjoy having game nights with them and our sporadic Target runs. I grew up in River Grove and attended River Grove Elementary School. During that time, I was convinced I was going to be a teacher but once I got into high school my passion for business began. I attended East Leyden High School and my business teachers became such important role models in my life. They saw something that I didn’t see in myself at the time and I’m so grateful that they always pushed me beyond my boundaries. Now I work at the Park District of Franklin Park as the Marketing and Communications Manager, and I love my job so much! I am surrounded by such great people and deal with new assignments/projects every day. I am a social butterfly and enjoy meeting new people which is the opposite of my boyfriend. When thinking about who I am I can confidently say that I am shaped by my upbringing and the important people in my life. They have been there for me through tough times and my accomplishments, and I always try to be that person in someone else’s life now.


  7. lifeisbeautiful1619 Avatar

    My name is Catherine but everyone who knows me well calls me Cat. I am a senior majoring in Marketing and am very excited to be graduating this upcoming May. I am 21 years old and the youngest of two other siblings. My siblings are huge role models to me, and I’ve seen them as my second parents for as long as I can remember. I was raised in an Italian household, so family means a whole lot to me. Most of the time if you ask me what I’m doing the response will likely be that I’m hanging out with my family. I enjoy having game nights with them and our sporadic Target runs. I grew up in River Grove and attended River Grove Elementary School. During that time, I was convinced I was going to be a teacher but once I got into high school my passion for business began. I attended East Leyden High School and my business teachers became such important role models in my life. They saw something that I didn’t see in myself at the time and I’m so grateful that they always pushed me beyond my boundaries. Now I work at the Park District of Franklin Park as the Marketing and Communications Manager, and I love my job so much! I am surrounded by such great people and deal with new assignments/projects every day. I am a social butterfly and enjoy meeting new people which is the opposite of my boyfriend. When thinking about who I am I can confidently say that I am shaped by my upbringing and important people in my life. They have been there for me through tough times and my accomplishments, and I always try to be that person in someone else’s life now.


  8. alj Avatar

    I am Alejandro Leon and I am currently on my 3rd year at Dominican. I am double majoring in criminology and sociology. I live in Cicero and enjoy walking my dogs, going for a run, or just being outside. However, i attended high school in Chicago at UIC College Prep and got to know the city more during those four years. My high school was very close to downtown and enjoyed exploring the city on CTA. I also work at target which is a good part time job since they accommodate with my school schedule and is also close to my house. I am looking forward to this class and semester because I am taking 18 credits for the first time and hope I can handle it.


    1. Dori342 Avatar

      Hi Alejandro, I hope you’re handling your 18 credit courses well but I also enjoy walking my dogs so we have something in common there. I am kind of jealous of your high school experience. It sounds really fun and interesting. My high school wasn’t bad but nothing like your city experience.


  9. Bugzzbunny02 Avatar

    Who I am is a hard question to answer, It’s hard to try and explain who you are when it’s constantly changing. Who I am today is not who I will be tomorrow and it’s definitely not who I was 5 years ago, which is the beauty in life. As people, we’re constantly on a mission of self-discovery and for a while, I used to be too, but then I realized that we can’t achieve self-discovery without embracing the journey and the struggles we encounter on the way. By focusing so much on who we want to be we often lose sight of who we are now and we neglect that part of ourselves. I guess what I’m trying to say is that who we are isn’t a question that can be answered because it’s never permanent. Instead of asking myself who I am, I now question how I want to grow and where I want to direct my progress, while also acknowledging and embracing who I am in the present and working towards who I want to be in the future. I think this is a really good question that allows for a lot of good self-reflection to occur on a deeper level that we normally probably wouldn’t think about. Who I am is unknown and I think it’s beautiful how as we age we continue to learn and discover new things about ourselves, which is a testament to how much we really know about who we are in the present. I enjoy how difficult it is to answer this question because it just further proves that when we sit back and truly reflect on who we are we’re often stuck because deep down no one knows who they are but that’s why we dedicate ourselves to growing and finding out through different experience, life lessons, relationships, and so on.


    1. JS Avatar

      I think we both have very similar views of the question “who am I”. I really like the point you bring up of not forgetting to acknowledge and embrace who you are in the present while you are trying to achieve who you want to be in the future. I consider myself a futuristic person, so sometimes I do forget to live in my today as who I am currently instead of just focusing on who I aspire to be. Our life experiences are really what helps us shape our identity.


    2. dustar23 Avatar


      I enjoyed reading your post. I especially liked the part where you mentioned that we have to embrace the journey and struggles of life. You mention how a lot of times we can get caught up in the future and we can lose sight of the present and I completely agree. This is something that I struggle with, I tend to dwell too much on the past or future and I don’t enjoy the present. This is something that I would like to work on myself. Thank you for sharing!


  10. stargirl Avatar

    The question “who am I?” is a very difficult yet important question. I am a 21 year old Mexican-American woman trying to navigate through life in the best way that I can. My Mexican identity is a big part of who I am, as it determined how I was raised, the food that I eat, the music I listen to, how I communicate with others and more! I am someone who prioritizes health, engaging in physical activity and staying active is a great outlet for me that I use almost everyday. I am a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I appreciate my close relationships with my friends and family, as well as with myself. I have been working on loving myself and being comfortable with being by myself. I believe that having special and close connections with others, as well as with yourself, is essential for a meaningful life. I consider myself to be a kind and respectful person, someone that is approachable and someone that you can rely on. I am friendly and I have a big heart, which can be a disadvantage at times when people take advantage of those qualities. I am a social justice activist. I am constantly advocating for social equality, and I like to think that I play an important role in improving my community. “Who am I?” is a question that will constantly have different answers. The person I am today is very different to the person I was last year. While I have an idea of who I am at this moment, I am still trying to navigate who I want to be and what kind of life I want to live.


    1. mommabird Avatar

      Hi Stargirl, I love that you are proud of your Mexican heritage and feel like I can relate to how being Mexican is a huge part of who you are. Don’t we have some of the best food though? I am so envious of your commitment to staying active which says a lot about your determination. I too am someone with a big heart, and I too use to see it as a disadvantage but don’t let other failures change that amazing quality, just choose wisely who you show that big heart. You got this!


  11. peace&love Avatar

    The question “who am I?” is a very difficult yet important question. I am a 21 year old Mexican-American woman trying to navigate through life in the best way that I can. My Mexican identity is a big part of who I am, as it determined how I was raised, the food that I eat, the music I listen to, how I communicate with others, and more! I am someone who prioritizes health, engaging in physical activity and staying active is a great outlet for me that I use almost everyday. I am a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I appreciate my close relationships with my friends and family, as well as with myself. I have been working on loving myself and being comfortable with being by myself. I believe that having special and close connections with others, as well as with yourself, is essential for a meaningful life. I consider myself to be a kind and respectful person, someone that is approachable and someone that you can rely on. I am friendly and I have a big heart, which can be a disadvantage at times when people take advantage of those qualities. I am a social justice activist. I am constantly advocating for social equality, and I like to think that I play an important role in improving my community. “Who am I?” is a question that will constantly have different answers. The person I am today is very different to the person I was last year. While I have an idea of who I am at this moment, I am still trying to navigate who I want to be and what kind of life I want to live.


  12. dustar23 Avatar

    The question “who am I?” is a very difficult yet important question. I am a 21 year old Mexican-American woman trying to navigate through life in the best way that I can. My Mexican identity is a big part of who I am, as it determined how I was raised, the food that I eat, the music I listen to, how I communicate with others, and more! I am someone who prioritizes health, engaging in physical activity and staying active is a great outlet for me that I use almost everyday. I am a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I appreciate my close relationships with my friends and family, as well as with myself. I have been working on loving myself and being comfortable with being by myself. I believe that having special and close connections with others, as well as with yourself, is essential for a meaningful life. I consider myself to be a kind and respectful person, someone that is approachable and someone that you can rely on. I am friendly and I have a big heart, which can be a disadvantage at times when people take advantage of those qualities. I am a social justice activist. I am constantly advocating for social equality, and I like to think that I play an important role in improving my community. “Who am I?” is a question that will constantly have different answers. The person I am today is very different to the person I was last year. While I have an idea of who I am at this moment, I am still trying to navigate who I want to be and what kind of life I want to live.


  13. JS Avatar

    I think that the question “who am I” is a bit silly because it does not capture the whole story. I think a better way to phrase this question would be “who am I today” and yet, this question might still be hard to answer because we might not be 100 percent sure of who we are at this given moment. I believe that who I am has not always been consistent. Who I was, who I am, and who I aspire to be are all different people. Who I was is what led to my who I am today, so I guess I will talk about who I am today. Today I am a student, a daughter, a girlfriend, a teacher’s assistant, a friend. I am someone who believes in love, honesty, compassion, trust, god, and karma. I enjoy traveling and being at peace. I do not like crowded places nor do I like hanging out with a large group of friends, though 6 years ago I would have never said this. Today, I am more reserved, but extraverted when I want to be. Today, I have goals and aspirations I did not have 4 years ago. Who I am changes every couple of years because my social roles change, my work place changes, my interests change, my lifestyle changes. Though, I do believe that no matter what stage of “who am I” I am in, I should feel satisfied with who I am at that moment and if not then I will make it a part of me to work towards my future “who am I”.


  14. sky0506 Avatar

    I truly believe that it is almost possible to be able to define “Who am I” without going on an entire ramble of my life experiences and what has shaped me into the person that I am today. However, I will try my best to explain the most important aspects of who I am. I can say that I have changed the most throughout the past two years. I am a person who today prioritizes myself, my health both mental and physical, family, education, and working. I was born in Chicago, Illinois, I’m 20 years old, and I grew up in an extremely mexican household. Being mexican has shaped my culture, traditions, and native language. I have been so fortunate to grow up in a loving home where I know I have the best and only support system I will ever need. My family always made sure that I was well, and they never failed to make me feel loved. That is why I consider myself to be a kindhearted person because that’s the way I was raised. I am very big on having manners and treating everyone with respect. I a firm believer that a simple smile can make someone’s day better because we never know what others are going through. I love weightlifting and spending two hours every day at the gym, it is my therapy. It can help me clear my head from any issues and think straight so I can make the right decisions. I am also someone who has many aspirations in life, I am not exactly sure where I want to take my career because I want to do so many things. But at the same time, I want to have a good work-life balance so I can also focus on my family and building one of my own in the future.


    1. franciscoambrosiofigueroathe3rd Avatar

      I find it interesting that you open this post by outlining how the self and life experiences are give rise to the person. I think you will enjoy the readings on James and Mead.


    2. KKozak Avatar

      Hello Sky, I really enjoyed reading your response because I feel like there are many aspects of your life that I can connect to. For example, I grew up in a very Polish household, my parents also made sure that I was cared for and loved to their best ability. This also taught me how to be kindhearted toward everyone. I can also connect with you about not knowing exactly what I want to do with my career. The way I think works best for me is to live day by day. I feel worried about the past or present only makes your wrongs harder. I believe that success takes time and eventually we will all reach the level of success we strive for.


  15. mommabird Avatar

    Who am I? If you ask my partner, I’m sure he’d say I am many women in one. It’s a bipolar joke between us. In a sense it is true I guess because who I am in private and among friends, is another person then who I am in public around strangers. What doesn’t change is that my name is Jacqueline but my family and friends call me Jackie. I am 36 and am a mother of a gifted 13-year old who is already receiving high school and college credits. I am defined by being a mom and a good one at that. I love to cook, mostly because I love hearing everyone go mmm, and tell me how delicious everything was. I live with my son and partner who is a sweet man that balances my attitude. He makes me better and keeps me happy as does my son. Life wasn’t always filled with laughter and joy. My life stated out rocky and chaotic. This led me to be in jail more times than I care to count. This is something I am not proud of but I feel it’s important because it made me who I am today. I finally got my shit together and graduated from Morton College with my Associates degree and transferred to Dominican soon after. I am a sociology/criminology major, which I plan to use to become a social-worker. My plan is to work with at risk youth to help them from making certain errors I made in life. I am a clown with a goofy personality, who enjoys peace in my life. I am trying constantly to be a better version of me, which keeps my mind forever evolving and progressing for the better. I am me.


    1. franciscoambrosiofigueroathe3rd Avatar

      Hi mommabird, I saw you have an interest in social work. That is awesome! I have done some social work, it was amazing. We should chat about this at some point in the semester. Feel free to make an appointment.


      1. mommabird Avatar

        That’s awesome I would love some insight on social work thank you.


    2. Spring Avatar

      Hey momma bird,
      I am so proud of you! Everyone’s journeys are different but you persevered through! I plan on being a social worker and focus on youth as well! I love how you stated that you are constantly trying to better yourself, which is difficult and has its good and bad days. We will push through, I believe in us!


  16. dominicanstar Avatar

    “Who am I?” I do not feel that there is one true way to answer this question because truthfully, it depends on who is asking. This, of course, includes me. In my 21 years of being alive, I feel that I have been many different versions of myself. Each age I have experienced, I was a new self. Each person who has met me has been introduced to a different version of me. Each role in my life has led me to step up into a different self. With all that being said, I grew up in an ethnic household with my parents and one younger brother. I am a first-generation college student, therefore, I felt pretty lost for most of my life. I still do. I have always been very restless. I feel the need to experience and try out the world. The whole world. I took up figure skating when I was younger. As much as I loved it, I grew bored and moved on. Growing up I was also very artistic. I adored drawing, painting, and designing. I found it to be a fulfilling hobby. Again, I moved on. Once I got to college, I was able to express my hidden hobby which no one in my life was aware of, dancing. I joined Dominican University’s dance team and loved it! I started college as an undecided major, on a premedical track. Long story short, I am now a Psychology major on an occupational therapy track with a Sociology minor. Changing my path has been one of the best decisions I have made since starting college. I look forward to seeing what the future holds.


    1. franciscoambrosiofigueroathe3rd Avatar

      This analysis is very sociological. James also has a many selves approach to self. I am sure you enjoyed that section of reading. I myself am also a first gen student and I know what it feels like to feel lost. I am so happy that found dancing! You have a bright future ahead! Keep grinding!


    2. Puppylover Avatar

      Hello Dominicanstar, I am also a first-generation student and I totally understand feeling lost your whole life. As a first gen student, there’s really nobody to guide you in your own personal life. Yes, professors are there to help you but it’s just hard as well trying to figure it out.


  17. Puppylover Avatar

    Who am I? That is a very interesting question to ask ourselves. I often overthink this question in my daily life. In reality, I really don’t know who I am what I do know is that I come from a Mexican culture/ family. I am a 20-year-old female that is currently a sophomore at Dominican University. I am a person that loves the gym, especially weightlifting and it has turned into my biggest passion. I love playing soccer as much as I love the gym, I am a first-generation student and that makes me the happiest knowing I could make my parents proud. I have three love birds which I love very much just as much as any other animal. I loved reading and I’m currently trying to get back into it because reading helps me escape from reality sometimes. I am also a person that is very friendly and not as shy. I am also a person that loves spoiling my loved ones which is the way I show how much I love them because growing up I didn’t have the same luck as other kids that had more toys or my parents didn’t have as many either. Anywho, going back to the question, I can’t really say I know exactly who I am just because I am still growing as a person and I might say I’m this person right now but who knows, maybe tomorrow I can completely change of how I view myself and who I think I know I am. There is really no wrong or right answer in expressing or saying who you think you are.


    1. aramoto Avatar

      Hi Puppylover, I really enjoyed reading your post. I also agree with what you stated about going to the gym as I really enjoy going to the gym myself. Well sort of, as I have a small little home gym. But regardless, I love keeping fit. It makes me think positively when I feel positive.


    2. Honeybun Avatar

      Hi puppy lover, I also said I don’t know who I am. It was interesting to read your post! I love how you found something that you enjoy. I also started going to the gym and I’ve been consistent for 2 months and have noticed big changes in myself. It even has made a difference in my attitude, it makes me feel more energized for the day. I also agree with gift-giving, it’s how I show the people around me that I love them.


  18. aramoto Avatar

    Who am I? This a question I continue to ask myself a solid three times a week. Although I am still discovering myself, I can answer this question by stating a few basic things about what makes me. To start, I am Aleksandra or Aleks for short. I am of Polish descent, however, I was born here in Illinois. I grew up as a Chicago kid, going to Chicago Public Schools and during my years throughout middle school and high school I developed specific skills and hobbies that really make up my character, at least for now. I am very organized, but it was not always this way. In fact, just about 5 years ago I was a super messy “slob” as one might say. Now, I keep everything around me clean and organized. I enjoy music, specifically house music and music I can consistently listen to without hearing the same thing over and over. When I turn 21 here soon, I hope to explore the world and visit lots of my favorite artist’s concerts. Speaking of, I like to travel. I am a bit settled down as I started a job one year ago and have been stacking my funds ever since. I can confidently say that my job has shaped a lot of who I am now as a person. Working with older residents and seeing people’s struggles has really opened my eyes and made me a much more grateful and helpful person. I try to help whenever I can no matter the circumstance. So, when it comes to the question of who am I, I can say I am a determined person who is always looking forward to learning new things and helping those around me.


  19. KKozak Avatar

    Who am I? My name is Klaudiusz and I am currently a junior at Dominican University and I am majoring in Criminology. To make things easy, my friends call me Klaud for short. My story does not start here in America because I was not born here. I was born in Poland and came here when I was three years old. I have visited my home a few times now and I always feel a strong connection when I go back. In Poland, my life is very different compared to here in Chicago. I grew up on a farm and my grandma who lives in the house I grew up in still continues to live that farm life. When it comes to the question “Who am I?” I feel like the differences between my two homes makes it hard for me to answer this question. The life I lived here is definitely different to the life I lived if I grew up in Poland. Although this is not my home, I still have a strong connection to my family and home in Poland. Every time Poland is in some kind of competition I always support them over the U.S. I feel like I have not yet truly found myself as a person which makes this question harder to answer. I still have to figure out truly who I am because all that I know now is just the basics that make me who I am today.


    1. franciscoambrosiofigueroathe3rd Avatar

      Great job! The way you link your self to your social and geographical environments is interesting. James would likely say you have a self in Poland as long as someone remembers you there. Great post.


  20. AC Avatar

    There are countless ways that I could respond to this question. I find myself constantly changing my answers to questions like these based on who I am speaking with, where we are, and how people may interpret my answers. I suppose to answer this broader question, I should start with where I came from. My father is the son of two American born citizens, while my mother is the daughter of two immigrants. My father is white, and my mother is Colombian. I am the product of two vastly different cultures.
    I also posses many qualities that could help to answer this question. First and foremost, I am empathetic. I am a person that will jump at any opportunity to learn something new, and I am unnervingly competitive. I am an athlete, and I thrive under pressure.
    I am overly eager to please. You may wonder who, and I often find myself asking the same question. The easy answer is my parents. My father is a high school drop out that later in life regretted his choices that led him to this label. My mother was sent to Colombia in the middle of her high school career to help jumpstart a restaurant that ultimately failed, and after moving back to the United States worked hard to graduate. She regrets not attending college now. Their experiences pushed me to graduate high school a year early and obtain my associates before coming to Dominican as a first-generation college student double majoring in sociology and criminology.
    Now, I work three jobs while taking 18 credit hours here in order to afford what my parents could not: a college graduation. These are just a few pieces to the puzzle of who I am. In the end, I am not sure that I know the true answer to this question. Nevertheless, it’s a start.


    1. Selflove23 Avatar

      Thank you for sharing a glimpse of who you are and your background. It’s clear that you have faced challenges and obstacles, but you have also overcome them and pushed yourself to achieve your goals. Your empathy, eagerness to learn, and competitiveness are all valuable qualities that can serve you well in your personal and professional life. It’s inspiring to hear about your hard work and dedication to pursuing higher education despite financial difficulties. It’s a testament to your determination and resilience. Your experiences as a first-generation college student are also important because they add to the diversity and richness of the college community.


  21. AC Avatar

    My name is Amanda, I am 20 years old, and I am a senior majoring in sociology and criminology here at DU. There are countless ways that I could respond to this question. I find myself constantly changing my answers to questions like these based on who I am speaking with, where we are, and how people may interpret my answers. I suppose to answer this broader question, I should start with where I came from. My father is the son of two American born citizens, while my mother is the daughter of two immigrants. My father is white, and my mother is Colombian. I am the product of two vastly different cultures.
    I also posses many qualities that could help to answer this question. First and foremost, I am empathetic. I am a person that will jump at any opportunity to learn something new, and I am unnervingly competitive. I am an athlete, and I thrive under pressure.
    I am overly eager to please. You may wonder who, and I often find myself asking the same question. The easy answer is my parents. My parents never had the opportunity to go to college. They fought through life to give me that opportunity. Their experiences pushed me to graduate high school a year early and obtain my associates before coming to Dominican as a first-generation college student double majoring in sociology and criminology.
    Now, I work three jobs while taking 18 credit hours here in order to afford what my parents could not: a college graduation. These are just a few pieces to the puzzle of who I am. In the end, I am not sure that I know the true answer to this question. Nevertheless, it’s a start.


  22. Spring Avatar

    Personally, having to identify who I am is pretty hard to do so. I feel like there are so many things to me that are complicated, yet also beautiful and motivating. I am a 20 year old first-generation full time college student while also being a full time medical assistant in urgent care. I grew up in a predominantly Hispanic community where all of my peers were also first-generation. I have two sisters, one who recently graduated from UIC with her Bachelor’s in Criminology, Law and Justice which influenced my interest in Sociology, my current major. I come from a conservative Mexican family which has always strived for better, that may explain my current overthinking and need to overwork myself. I love going on walks and runs and simply being around nature. I plan on obtaining my Masters in Social Work here at Dominican because I see myself working within my community and helping others out in their times of need. I also love to read which I don’t get much time to do because of work. I consider myself to be a people-person and love interaction, communication and just simply being around others. I do see myself working as a social worker or something along those lines, but deep down I worry that I am going to ruin my mental health while trying to help others. Mental health is something really important for me, yet I fail to prioritize my own. I have had therapists and counselors in the past which is why I am aware of how helpful and important social work is.


    1. Yeti Avatar

      I thought what you had to say about yourself was very cool and interesting. I also am a first-generation college student. I think this is a very cool thing to be but at the same time it feels like a lot of pressure is on us. I just want to say it isn’t easy being a first-generation college student but the biggest things that motivate you and that motivates me is thinking of family and how much they have done for us.


  23. Selflove23 Avatar

    Who am I? I am a senior majoring in Sociology at Dominican University. I will graduate this May, I am also in the BA/MSW school of the social work program at Dominican University where I will continue at Dominican to pursue my master’s in Social work. I will graduate in May of 2024. I am a 21-year-old Afro-Latina (Mexican, Puerto Rican, and African American) born and raised in Chicago. My life began on June 18, 2001. I am the product of a beautiful strong independent mother, a grandmother who was taken from this world too soon, and a sister who has always been by my side. The day I was born my father left me. I was denied as his child and forced into a test to prove I was his at birth. In 2010 I became a survivor of molestation. Throughout my upbringing, I am constantly confronted with a variety of difficulties and problems, some of which shaped who I am now and others of which taught me who I wanted to become. As I become older, I know that I am the only one who can write my story; no one else can. I am the only one who knows the truth, and while I cannot change the past, I can use it to improve my future. I have a passion and drive in working with children. Every day, I use the key core values I learned and developed such as self-awareness, resilience, emotional intelligence, healthy relationships, visionary goal-setting, and leadership. I continue to use these skills in my everyday life. I have dedicated my life to implicating these core values in my family relationships, friendships as well as work relationships. I strive to be the best I can be for myself and the children I hope to be one day serve. My values are to be truthful and to hold myself accountable in everything I do. I am my biggest challenge.


    1. rhino Avatar

      I really loved your story, It is incredible how strong you are. I absolutely love your attitude about how you can’t change anything that can happen to you so you learn from what happened an continue to push on. Incredibly inspiring.


  24. Jars Avatar

    This is an interesting question and I feel as if my answer changes from time to time as I adapt. My name is Jenna and I am 21 years old. I was originally born in Fox lake, Illinois which is located in northern Illinois. My parents got a divorce when I was one years old but remained on pretty good terms. My mom moved to the city and my dad stayed up north so I pretty much had a split lifestyle jumping back and forth from the city to the country. I grew up going to a catholic grade school in Chicago and loved every second of it. I also attended an all girls catholic high school as well which I surprisingly thrived at. Animals have always been a huge part of my life since I was little. I grew up with dogs, cats, reptiles, rodents, and horses. I currently work at a vet while I go to college in order to pursue a short term career in veterinary medicine because I love it so much. It just wasn’t something I saw myself doing long term. At Dominican I am double majoring in criminology and sociology and my hopes are to eventually work for the federal government if possible. I love spending time with family and my friends and I am a person who thrives off staying extremely busy and running around like a nut job. I’m always up for a good time especially when it comes to spontaneous adventures and trips with people I love.


  25. Yeti Avatar

    When asked, “Who am I?”. I immediately think just a kid from California but when I really think about it, I am so much more than that. I do think about this question a lot especially when it comes to baseball. Often when playing baseball, I will put a lot of stress on me about baseball and if I have days or games that don’t go well, I feel like I am failing at life which is why I remind myself that I am so much more than just a baseball player. I am a son, brother, grandson, lifter, catholic, the list can go on forever. I was born in Long Beach, CA. I have gone to catholic school my whole life which is a big reason in why I try to stay s close to God as I can. I pray to God very often and attend the weekly 11:30 mass her at DU. I have played baseball since the age 4 which has been a huge part of my life. I enjoy spending time with my family when I go home and don’t take any of the time, I have with them for granted. I always look forward to being able to go home and see them, but I also have loved my time here at Dominican up to this point. I major in sociology and want to be a fire fighter when I get older, I am apart of student government here at DU. 250 words can only describe a little part of me but there is much more than I can talk about and go into depth on.


    1. franciscoambrosiofigueroathe3rd Avatar

      Great blog post! I found it interesting how you described yourself beyond a baseball player using social categories/statuses like son, brother, grandson, religiosity etc. Great ways to describe one self! I am also a Catholic and this post resonates with me. You might be interested in reading more of Descartes meditations and sections of Newtons Principa Mathematica, they are deeply connected to self and God. Great Job!


  26. dori342 Avatar

    Hello everyone, Its hard to starts with this question,there are a lot of things that make me who I am. For starters I am the older sister to two siblings, a boy named Dylan,18. And a girl named Leilany, age 14. I am also a dog mom to two dogs Valentina, a chihuahua, and Chloe, a Pomeranian. I love dressing them up and taking them for walks. They really enjoy going to the park in the summer and just running wild. I enjoy things like painting, going to the gym, doing Pilates, and also playing the piano. I like finding new things to learn, for a while I was trying to learn a new language but with my busy schedule I haven’t been able to complete a lot of my hobbies. I really enjoy reading as well as just spending time with my friends. I am 19 years old and a Gemini. I was born in Mexico in a state called Guerrero on May 30th 2003. I moved here when I was very young but still feel very in touch with my roots. I am also a first generation student. Neither of my parents went to college and feel very grateful for all of the opportunities I have gotten to be here. I am a criminology major and I am very passionate about this major. I have known that I wanted to do this major from a very young age.I am very excited about what my future holds and see what I do with my major.


    1. franciscoambrosiofigueroathe3rd Avatar

      Great job! However, I don’t see your response post. Did you do it? Please let me know ASAP!


  27. Dori342 Avatar

    Hello everyone my name is Danna. There are a lot of things that make me who I am. For starters I am the older sister to two siblings, a boy named Dylan,18. And a girl named Leilany, age 14. I am also a dog mom to two dogs Valentina, a chihuahua, and Chloe, a pomeranian. I love dressing them up and taking them for walks. They really enjoy going to the park in the summer and just running wild. I enjoy things like painting, going to the gym, doing pilates, and also playing the piano. I like finding new things to learn, for a while I was trying to learn a new language but with my busy schedule I haven’t been able to complete a lot of my hobbies. I really enjoy reading as well as just spending time with my friends. I am 19 years old and a gemini. I was born in Mexico in a state called Guerrero on May 30th 2003. I moved here when I was very young but still feel very in touch with my roots.I am also a first generation student. Neither of my parents went to college and feel very grateful for all of the opportunities I have gotten to be here. I am a criminology major and I am very passionate about this major. I have known that I wanted to do this major from a very young age.I am very excited about what my future holds and see what I do with my major.


  28. Honeybun Avatar

    Hello everyone! I have avoided this question so much because if I’m being honest I don’t know who I am. I change and continue to grow every day. I am not the same person every day, I have my good and bad days. When the question, “Who am I?” comes to mind I automatically think in my head a full-time student and full-time mother. I devote my time to my school work but also put my child’s needs first before my own. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mother to my baby boy, but it’s hard when you do it all alone. I often get stressed because I have too many assignments that need to be completed but life happens and then I end up in a deeper hole. I tell myself I am trying my best and as long as my child is happy and healthy then there should be nothing to worry about, but who checks on me when I’m not feeling happy or healthy? Even if no one is there to check on me, I know I have a little boy who loves me and sees me as someone to look up to because the moment they are born their eyes are on you 24/7. (LOL I’m not joking he’s my “chicle.” So, when someone asks me “Who am I?” I say a mother and a student who is going to achieve her dreams so she can give her child a better life than the one she had.


    1. franciscoambrosiofigueroathe3rd Avatar

      Great job! I noticed you defined your sense of self using social status/categories like mother and student. I think you are really going to enjoy the reading.


  29. rhino Avatar

    There is a bunch of different things that I consider when I think to myself “Who am I?”. The first thing I think about is what anyone says when someone asks them who are you. My name is Ryan Schmidt. I am 20 years old and I was born and raised in the suburb of West Chicago. I live with my mother and father and have a younger brother two grades below me. I have a rather small group of friends that I have been friends with for a long time, but I also have a revolving door of other groups of friends that I hang out with. I also have a girlfriend that I have been dating for almost two years now. After all of that, I think about what I do. I currently am in my sophomore year of college studying psychology and also minoring in sociology. I am a student-athlete that plays baseball here at the school, and I play by far the grittiest position on the field at catcher. Sports have taught me a lot about discipline and consistency which is something that I have struggled with my entire life. In the future, I am working towards combining my love for sports with my interest in the psychological field by becoming a sports psychologist. I have always had a knack for helping guys who are down on themselves on the field so I figured why not try and make that my profession. Outside of sports I absolutely love to fish, specifically for walleye at Lake of the Woods Ontario. At the end of the day, I just try and live a life that I can look back and say I enjoyed my time.


  30. rhino Avatar

    There is a bunch of different things that I consider when I think to myself “Who am I?”. The first thing I think about is what anyone says when someone asks them who are you. My name is Ryan. I am 20 years old and I was born and raised in the suburb of West Chicago. I live with my mother and father and have a younger brother two grades below me. I have a rather small group of friends that I have been friends with for a long time, but I also have a revolving door of other groups of friends that I hang out with. I also have a girlfriend that I have been dating for almost two years now. After all of that I think about what I do. I currently am in my sophomore year of college studying psychology and also minoring in sociology. I am a student athlete that plays baseball hear at the school, and I play by far the grittiest position on the field at catcher. Sports has taught me a lot about discipline and consistency which is something that I have struggled with my entire life. In the future I am working towards combining my love for sports with my interest in the psychological field by becoming a sports psychologist. I have always had a knack for helping guys who are down on themselves on the field so I figured why not try and make that my profession. Outside of sports I absolutely love to fish, specifically for walleye at lake of the woods Ontario. At the end of the day I just try and live a life that I can look back and say I enjoyed my time.


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